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Along with my job as an animator, I`ve been doing storyboards as a freelancer for about 4 years now. I`ve worked for advertising studios such as Waleco, also worked in a animated show: "Suaventura". And do the sotryboards of my own shortfilms. I also did some work in the comic field for "Silver Ink" and in personal projects.

Here I leave some samples of my work
"Went to Heaven" animated shortfilm Storyboard
"Good Night Mr. Ted" animated shortfilm Storyboard sample
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Storyboard and concepts for advertising and commercials done for Waleco projects
Between 2016 and 2018 I`ve worked for some campaigns and advertisings for studio Waleco. Here are some samples of those works
storyboard page 1.jpg
storyboard page 2.jpg
"Quimera" comic
In 2017 I worked on a comic book where I created the character and illustrated the first number. Here are some samples.
"Pigro" Comic
Little sketches I`ve been working on since begining of 2021.
"Zootopia" animatic excercise done for the "2D animation" máster
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